It’s Sumo Paint!

For months, I’ve been scouring for some freeware program/application to support my interest in doing digital painting/arts since I am not that satisfied with the limited tools from my old Photoshop 7.0. I tried cracked versions of the latest Photoshop editions but was never lucky enough with guessing the right product key, aside from the nagging guilt feeling of doing something illegal although a lot of people are doing it (, don’t worry, I won’t steal from you.).

Lo and behold, thank you to the makers of Angry Birds who decided to make an app for Google Chrome (yes, apps are no longer limited to smartphones and tablets), I came across the Chrome Webstore that provided you with something for games, utilities and whatever imagineable that you think you can download from the Android Marketplace.

While exploring it’s menagerie of downloadable applications, I typed-searched out of a whim the word draw and painting and a quirky icon of a sumo wrestler’s head with the tongue out caught my fancy out of 12 that showed up in the top results. 

After reading a bunch of good reviews about Sumo Paint as an image editor, I decided to download it and launched it right away.

So far, I have no complaints on this one. I was able to attempt 3 tries and manages to keep into my expectations, especially with the brush tools.


This is my 1st attempt using "oil brush" tools to give it an oil paint feel.

I also saw a symmetry tool that gives your doodle an instant 6-or-so symmetrical lines that move as you move your mouse (yup, mouse only…no special pens). Here is my first try with it by choosing to bevel  in order to get the 3D feel.

optical illusion 1

My latest try was to finally mix a variety of brushes, from my favorite oil brush, down to 3B brushes and shapes.

Winter Landscape

Over-all, Sumo Paint is a good alternative to Adobe Photoshop, however, the only thing I don’t like about this one is that you can only work with it online and upon checking, upgrading to the Pro version with offline capabilities will set you back at €19 or roughly Php1,124.31 as of latest conversion. Still, for novice digital artists like me, well, this is thing to begin with before jumping onto the bigger and more complicated image editing software.